Serving the Poor in Tangible Ways
The following article is from the November/December Medxcel Associate Newsletter.
A core value we hold dear at Medxcel is “Service of the Poor” — the intentional sharing of our time, skills and resources to help those in greatest need. One way Medxcel associates bring that core value to life is through our partnership with TRIMEDX Foundation, an organization committed to sharing knowledge, inspiring independence, and raising the standard of healthcare by meeting the unique needs of communities it serves.
In the past couple of years, that mission became more challenging as COVID restrictions halted international travel. Instead, TRIMEDX Foundation sought to make an impact closer to home, developing a partnership with Little Sisters of the Poor in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Joining forces with TRIMEDX Foundation and Little Sisters of the Poor
The Little Sisters of the Poor aim to serve “the neediest elderly of every race and religion” with nursing care, assisted and independent living apartments for low-income seniors. Most residents are in their mid to late 80s, supported by more than 100 full and part-time staff members and more than 300 volunteers.
TRIMEDX Foundation set out to help the Sisters raise the standard of care of its residents by supporting the medical equipment and facilities needs of an old building. Medxcel volunteers have played a critical role in that effort.
Ensuring safe environments
Last fall, Medxcel conducted a facilities assessment of HVAC, plumbing, boiler and electrical emergency supply components for the Sisters — all vital steps in ensuring safe and healing environments for residents.
Darin Newborn and Devon Armstrong, Life Safety Code Specialists, have also assisted with emergency evacuation maps. After noting that existing floorplans and drawings of the building didn’t reflect room names, numbers, or significant renovations, Darin and Devon visited the facility a couple of times to gather information for an accurate floorplan before they could create adequate emergency evacuation maps.
During one of those visits, Jack, a facility maintenance employee of Little Sisters, asked Darin to also create a drawing of the roof to include air handlers and other equipment located on the roof. Altogether, the projects took considerable work, including different versions of maps so arrows would point in the right direction, depending on where they were posted throughout the building.
“Giving back felt really good”
“I feel good about the work I did. It ended up being more than just evacuation maps, but it was my pleasure to help,” Darin shares. “I actually had taken PTO the week of my birthday and made it a point to deliver the updated drawings that day. Spending a part of my birthday giving back instead of receiving felt really good. I am also proud to be employed by a company that takes pride in dedicating time and resources to those who are less fortunate.”
Though Medxcel, TRIMEDX Foundation and Little Sisters of the Poor each has a distinct focus, “the mission of each organization perfectly aligns by raising the standard of healthcare for communities in need,” says Audra Poe, TRIMEDX Foundation Director.
To learn more about volunteer opportunities with TRIMEDX Foundation, you may submit your information to be included in the volunteer pool for upcoming projects.